Date of flight: NET Dec. 10
Flight duration: 60.82 seconds
Horizontal flight distance: 361 feet (110 meters)
Flight speed (horizontal): 12.3 mph (5.5 mps)
Max flight altitude: 33 feet (10 meters)
Flight goal: Reposition helicopter
InSight’s team is taking steps to help the solar-powered lander continue operating for as long as possible. Read More
Flight: 43 Flight date: No earlier than 02/11/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1235.6 feet (376.56 meters) Flight time:...
Scientists found evidence that a region of northern Mars called Arabia Terra experienced thousands of “super eruptions,” the biggest...
First-of-its kind footage from the agency’s newest rover will be presented during a briefing this morning. Read More
The six-wheeled geologist is getting some assistance in its in search for diverse rock samples that could...
After completing the first sample depot on another world, the rover continues its hunt for Mars rocks...
Using carefully selected terrestrial rocks, engineers try to figure out how to work with crumbly rocks like the one...
For two decades, the longest-lived spacecraft at the Red Planet has helped locate water ice, assess landing sites, and...