Expeected flight date: 10/27/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 408.435 meters
Expected flight time: 124.5 seconds
Flight altitude: 12 meters
Heading: North
Max flight speed: 5.3 m/s
Goal of flight: Reposition helicopter
Airfield: New
The lander cleared enough dust from one solar panel to keep its seismometer on through the summer, allowing scientists...
Flight 63 Expected flight date: 10/19/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 573.93 meters Expected flight time: 137 seconds Flight altitude: 12...
The mission has concluded that the solar-powered lander has run out of energy after more than four years on...
Flight: 41 Flight date: No earlier than 01/25/2023 Horizontal flight distance (nominal, w/ max divert): 587 feet...
NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission observed the dramatic and unexpected “disappearance” of a stream...
Sensors on NASA’s Perseverance will help prepare for future human exploration by taking weather measurements and studying dust particles....
The first rocket launch from the surface of another planet will be accomplished using two solid rocket...
Can you see NASA’s newest rover in this picture from Jezero Crater? Read More