Expected flight date: 09/16/2023
Horizontal flight distance: N/A (pop-up flight)
Expected flight time: 142.94 seconds
Max altitude: 20 meters
Heading: N/A
Max flight speed: N/A
Goal of flight: Pop-up flight
Airfield: Rho
Flight: 44 Flight date: No earlier than Feb. 19 Horizontal flight distance: 1066 feet (325 meters) Flight...
The mission’s first two samples of regolith – broken rock and dust – could help scientists better understand the...
The small rotorcraft’s horizons were expanded on its second flight. Read More
Despite signs of wear, the intrepid spacecraft is about to start an exciting new chapter of its mission as...
The prestigious honor recognizes the pioneering rotorcraft for its history-making flights on the Red Planet. Read More
Data sent by the spacecraft before it retired last December has provided new details about how fast...
Scientists from two Mars missions will discuss how they combined images and data for a major finding on the...
A new video rings in the rover’s ninth year on Mars, letting viewers tour Curiosity’s location on a Martian...