Expected flight date: 12/19/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 702.37 meters
Expected flight time: 131.10 seconds
Flight altitude: 16 meters
Heading: East-northeast
Max flight speed: 10 m/s
Goal of flight: Flight Test
Airfield: Same
Flight: 45 Flight date: No earlier than 02/22/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1,614.38 feet (492.063 meters) Flight time:...
Instruments tailored to collect data during the descent of NASA’s next rover through the Red Planet’s atmosphere have been...
The veteran rover captured a dazzling sunset at the start of a new cloud-imaging campaign. Read More
Flight 72 Expected flight date: 01/18/2024 Horizontal flight distance: 0 meters Expected flight time: 32.08 seconds Flight altitude: 12 meters...
For two decades, the longest-lived spacecraft at the Red Planet has helped locate water ice, assess landing sites, and...
The helicopter performed a short hop to help the team better understand why its previous flight was...
Believed to be a remnant of powerful ancient debris flows, Gediz Vallis Ridge is a destination long...