Expected flight date: 12/09/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 828 meters
Expected flight time: 146.56 seconds
Flight altitude: 16 meters
Heading: Northeast (out & back flight)
Max flight speed: 10 m/s
Goal of flight: Flight Test
Airfield: Same
NASA, along with the European Space Agency, is developing a campaign to return the Martian samples to Earth. Read...
Sturdy legs are needed to absorb the impact of the heaviest spacecraft to ever touch down on...
OPTIMISM, the full-scale engineering model of Perseverance, begins a series of rigorous tests to assess the risk of potential...
The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter family wishes you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons. O Ingenuity O...
Flight 52 Expected Flight date: 04/26/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1191.522 feet (363.176 meters) Flight time: 138.88 seconds...
The map, to be released in batches over six months, covers the vast majority of the planet, revealing dozens...
The award brings NASA a step closer to the first robotic round trip to bring samples safely to Earth...
Compared to some of the other flights this past year, Flight 34 might not stand out. Even...