Expected flight date: 12/02/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 392.84 meters
Expected flight time: 133.57 seconds
Flight altitude: 12 meters
Heading: Northwest
Max flight speed: 5.3 m/s
Goal of flight: Reposition the helicopter
Airfield: New
NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission observed the dramatic and unexpected “disappearance” of a stream...
Flight 68 Expected flight date: 12/09/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 828 meters Expected flight time: 146.56 seconds Flight altitude: 16 meters...
The mission’s team has chosen to operate its seismometer longer than previously planned, although the lander will run out...
This unusual view of the horizon of Mars was captured by NASA’s Odyssey orbiter using its THEMIS...
Now at 1,000 days on Mars, the mission has traversed an ancient river and lake system, collecting...
NASA’s newest Mars rover is beginning to study the floor of an ancient crater that once held a lake....
The six-wheeled explorer has inspected a stretch of the Red Planet to see if it is flat enough for...
Data sent by the spacecraft before it retired last December has provided new details about how fast...