Expeected flight date: 10/27/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 408.435 meters
Expected flight time: 124.5 seconds
Flight altitude: 12 meters
Heading: North
Max flight speed: 5.3 m/s
Goal of flight: Reposition helicopter
Airfield: New
Working with the Navajo Nation, the rover team has named features on Mars with words from the Navajo language....
Flight 62 Expected flight date: 10/12/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 268 meters Flight time: 119.30 seconds Max altitude: 18 m...
MEDLI2 was one of the crucial technologies onboard the rover’s protective aeroshell that helped document the entry, descent, and...
Three studies published in the past month have cast doubt on the premise of subsurface lakes below the Martian...
Compared to some of the other flights this past year, Flight 34 might not stand out. Even...
The Red Planet rotorcraft headed south in support of furthering research into the potential use of aerial scouts on...
When the agency’s newest rover mission searches for fossilized microscopic life on the Red Planet, how will scientists know...