Expected flight date: 09/29/2023
Horizontal flight distance: N/A
Flight time: 129.69 seconds
Max altitude: 24 meters
Heading: N/A
Max flight speed: N/A
Goal of flight: Pop-up flight
Airfield: Tau
The newly deployed Sojourner rover – the first of its kind on the Red Planet – sits on the...
Now at 1,000 days on Mars, the mission has traversed an ancient river and lake system, collecting...
NASA’s newest Mars rover is beginning to study the floor of an ancient crater that once held a lake....
Flight: 43 Flight date: No earlier than 02/11/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1235.6 feet (376.56 meters) Flight time:...
Compared to some of the other flights this past year, Flight 34 might not stand out. Even...
Collecting samples as it explores an ancient and now-dry river channel is but one goal the six-wheeled geologist will...
For two decades, the longest-lived spacecraft at the Red Planet has helped locate water ice, assess landing sites, and...
The rover continues its hunt for rocks worthy of bringing to Earth for further study. Read More