Believed to be a remnant of powerful ancient debris flows, Gediz Vallis Ridge is a destination long sought by the rover’s science team.
Believed to be a remnant of powerful ancient debris flows, Gediz Vallis Ridge is a destination long sought by the rover’s science team.
Cube-shaped snow, icy landscapes, and frost are all part of the Red Planet’s coldest season. Read More
Flight 56 Expected Flight date: 08/25/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 418 meters Flight time: 136 seconds Flight altitude:...
Cube-shaped snow, icy landscapes, and frost are all part of the Red Planet’s coldest season. Read More
Three studies published in the past month have cast doubt on the premise of subsurface lakes below the Martian...
Flight: 47 Flight date: No earlier than 03/09/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1410.728 feet (429.99 meters) Flight time (nominal, w/ max...
The Johnson Space Center scientist was tasked with helping guide the way for mission’s first cored Mars rock sample....
The symbols, mottos, and small objects added to the agency’s newest Mars rover serve a variety of purposes, from...
After testing a bristling array of instruments on its robotic arm, NASA’s latest Mars rover gets down to business:...