Expected flight date: 09/16/2023
Horizontal flight distance: N/A (pop-up flight)
Expected flight time: 142.94 seconds
Max altitude: 20 meters
Heading: N/A
Max flight speed: N/A
Goal of flight: Pop-up flight
Airfield: Rho
Flight: 41 Flight date: No earlier than 01/25/2023 Horizontal flight distance (nominal, w/ max divert): 587 feet...
A livestream will begin at 3:15 a.m. PDT that morning as the helicopter team prepares to receive the data...
Collecting samples as it explores an ancient and now-dry river channel is but one goal the six-wheeled geologist will...
Technology will collect critical data about the harsh entry environment during Perseverance’s entry next Thursday. Read More
The first trek of the agency’s largest, most advanced rover yet on the Red Planet marks a major milestone...
A new paper finds more radar signals suggesting the presence of subsurface ‘lakes,’ but many are in areas too...
Videos from the rover show its shadow moving across the Martian surface during a 12-hour sequence while...