Expected Flight date: 08/25/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 418 meters
Flight time: 136 seconds
Flight altitude: 12 meters
Heading: NW
Max Flight speed: 5.3 meters per second
Goal of flight: Reposition of the helicopter
Flight 63 Expected flight date: 10/19/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 573.93 meters Expected flight time: 137 seconds Flight altitude: 12...
The six-wheeled robot’s latest data since touching down yesterday include a hi-res image captured as the rover’s jetpack lowered...
Ingenuity’s ninth flight provided imagery that will help the Perseverance rover team develop its science plan going forward. Read...
The prestigious honor recognizes the pioneering rotorcraft for its history-making flights on the Red Planet. Read More
Sturdy legs are needed to absorb the impact of the heaviest spacecraft to ever touch down on...
For the first time in its eight years orbiting Mars, NASA’s MAVEN mission witnessed two different types of ultraviolet...
Mission team members are participating in a virtual teleconference to discuss milestones achieved so far since the Feb. 18...
The mission’s team has chosen to operate its seismometer longer than previously planned, although the lander will run out...