Flight date: NET 01/11/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 456 feet (139 meters)
Flight duration: 75.56 seconds
Flight altitude: 33 feet (10 meters)
Heading: North East
Flight speed (horizontal): 9 mph (4 m/s)
Flight goal: Flight test new software
NASA’s Perseverance rover carries a device to convert Martian air into oxygen that, if produced on a larger scale,...
After years of climbing, the Mars rover has arrived at a special region believed to have formed as Mars’...
Measuring the fuel supply on a decades-old spacecraft without a fuel gauge is no easy task. Read...
OPTIMISM, the full-scale engineering model of Perseverance, begins a series of rigorous tests to assess the risk of potential...
A new study based on recordings made by the rover finds that the speed of sound is slower on...
Bill Allen has thrived as the mechanical systems design lead for three Mars rover missions, but he got his...
Flight number: 38 Date of flight: NET Dec. 24 Flight duration: 68 seconds Horizontal flight distance: 344 feet (105...