Flight date: NET 01/11/2023
Horizontal flight distance: 456 feet (139 meters)
Flight duration: 75.56 seconds
Flight altitude: 33 feet (10 meters)
Heading: North East
Flight speed (horizontal): 9 mph (4 m/s)
Flight goal: Flight test new software
The missions – Juno and InSight – have each increased our understanding of our solar system, as well as...
A livestream will begin at 3:15 a.m. PDT that morning as the helicopter team prepares to receive the data...
For the first time in its eight years orbiting Mars, NASA’s MAVEN mission witnessed two different types of ultraviolet...
A new STEM-themed kit developed in cooperation with NASA-JPL is designed to spark kids’ interest in engineering...
The rover also snapped a pair of panoramas to create a 3D view of the stark cliff face featured...
The small rotorcraft’s “Wright brothers moment” is two Mars days away. Read More
Flight 70 Expected flight date: 12/22/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 258.735 meters Expected flight time: 129.37 seconds Flight altitude: 12 meters Heading: West Max...