Date of flight: NET Dec. 10
Flight duration: 60.82 seconds
Horizontal flight distance: 361 feet (110 meters)
Flight speed (horizontal): 12.3 mph (5.5 mps)
Max flight altitude: 33 feet (10 meters)
Flight goal: Reposition helicopter
Why do some science instruments detect the gas on the Red Planet while others don’t? Read More
Flight number: 38 Date of flight: NET Dec. 24 Flight duration: 68 seconds Horizontal flight distance: 344 feet (105...
Flight 72 Expected flight date: 01/18/2024 Horizontal flight distance: 0 meters Expected flight time: 32.08 seconds Flight altitude: 12 meters...
Collecting samples as it explores an ancient and now-dry river channel is but one goal the six-wheeled geologist will...
When the agency’s newest rover mission searches for fossilized microscopic life on the Red Planet, how will scientists know...
Mark your calendars: The agency’s latest rover has only about 8,640,000 seconds to go before it touches down on...