Date of flight: NET Dec. 10
Flight duration: 60.82 seconds
Horizontal flight distance: 361 feet (110 meters)
Flight speed (horizontal): 12.3 mph (5.5 mps)
Max flight altitude: 33 feet (10 meters)
Flight goal: Reposition helicopter
The historic image of the rover beside the Mars Helicopter proved to be one of the most complex rover...
The symbols, mottos, and small objects added to the agency’s newest Mars rover serve a variety of purposes, from...
Working with the Navajo Nation, the rover team has named features on Mars with words from the Navajo language....
Flight number: 35 Date of flight: NET Dec. 3 Flight duration: 52.22 seconds Horizontal flight distance: 50 feet (15 meters) ...
A new video looks back on the six-wheeled scientist’s first 10 months on the Red Planet and all that...
NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission acquired stunning views of Mars in two ultraviolet images...
Flight 68 Expected flight date: 12/09/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 828 meters Expected flight time: 146.56 seconds Flight altitude: 16 meters...
The spacecraft successfully cleared some dust off its solar panels, helping to raise its energy and delay when it...