Date of flight: NET Dec. 3
Flight duration: 52.22 seconds
Horizontal flight distance: 50 feet (15 meters)
Flight speed (horizontal): 10.0 fps (3.0 mps)
Max flight altitude: 46 feet (14 meters)
Flight goal: Reposition helicopter
Panelists will discuss the rover’s recently started science campaign and groundwork for its next major milestone. Read More
Flight 64 Expeected flight date: 10/27/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 408.435 meters Expected flight time: 124.5 seconds Flight...
The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter family wishes you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons. O Ingenuity O...
Flight: 47 Flight date: No earlier than 03/09/2023 Horizontal flight distance: 1410.728 feet (429.99 meters) Flight time (nominal, w/ max...
The update brings loads of improvements, the most significant being new driving capabilities. Read More
The board, initiated by NASA, will provide added confidence that the program won’t exceed guidelines following an...
Two microphones aboard the six-wheeled spacecraft add a new dimension to the way scientists and engineers explore the Red...
The Johnson Space Center scientist was tasked with helping guide the way for mission’s first cored Mars rock sample....